Oxyambulyx tattina Jordan, 1919, Novitates Zoologicae, 26(1): 192. Type locality: [Indonesia,] northeast Sumatra, Battak Mts.
Synonym. Oxyambulyx tattina borneensis Gehlen, 1940, Entomologische Zeitschrift, 54: 140.
Note. Proposed as a subspecies of Oxyambulyx substrigilis. Raised to species status by Jordan, 1929, Novitates Zoologicae, 35: 62. Transferred to Ambulyx by Holloway, 1987, Moths of Borneo 3: 130.
Note. Subspecies borneensis was proposed as a subspecies of Oxyambulyx tattina. Queried as a synonym of the nominotypical subspecies by Kernbach, 1967, Mitt. dt ent. Ges., 26: 67. Synonymized with the nominotypical subspecies by Inoue et al., 1996, Moths of Thailand 2: 32.
Male similar to Ambulyx substrigilis. Forewing upperside with heavier and darker brown-blackish zigzag lines and patches, with scattered greenishbrown scales, subbasal black spot minute (much smaller in Ambulyx substrigilis), surrounded by a characteristic pale ring, subterminal line wider, greenish-brown, arched and fading well before reaching the tornus, the line of yellowish-green scales along its inner edge absent, a conspicuous brownish-black patch in the submarginal area from vein M1 to the tornus, marginal area brown; underside ground colour ochre with dense scattered dark grey scales, subterminal line almost absent. Hindwing pattern darker and heavier than in Ambulyx substrigilis, especially the black medial stripe and zigzag line, and with more scattered black scales (Jiang, Kitching, Xu, Xu, Yan, Yu, Liu & Hu, 2025).
Male genitalia similar to that of Ambulyx substrigilis. Uncus slenderer and longer. Valve more rounded with smaller patch of friction scales. Process on dorsal margin of sacculus shorter and only slightly curved apically, harpe narrower than in Ambulyx substrigilis. Phallus longer, slenderer, and more curved than in Ambulyx substrigilis, posterior lobe much straighter and with a curved slender serrated lobe laterally on each side.
Little known except that it frequents mid-elevation monsoon, evergreen, broad-leaved forest and subtropical forests (Jiang, Kitching, Xu, Xu, Yan, Yu, Liu & Hu, 2025).
China: 31.viii (Yunnan); 16.ix (Yunnan).
OVUM: Unknown.
LARVA: Unrecorded.
PUPA: Unrecorded.
Larval hostplants. From Parashorea chinensis in China, but in Thailand recorded from Shorea obtusa (Eitschberger & Ihle, 2010).
China: Yunnan (Yiwu Town, Mengla County, 1367m; Menghai County, Xishuangbanna, 1120m; Simao/Pu'er).
Southern China (southern Yunnan), Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia (Peninsular; Sarawak; Sabah (Poring Hot Springs)), and Indonesia (Sumatra; Java; Kalimantan).
[Note. The population in the Philippines, including Palawan, is Ambulyx tattina uichancoi (Clark, 1938).]