Compsogene mansoni Clark, 1924, Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 9: 17. Type locality: [India,] Sikkim.
Synonym. Compsogene mansoni mansoni Clark, 1924.
Synonym. Compsogene mansoni pendleburyi Clark, 1938.
Note. Fellowes Manson, 1930, J. Bombay Nat. hist. Soc. 34: 202, repeated Clark's description. Bridges, 1993, Cat. Fam. Gen. Spec. Sphingidae of the World: VIII.3, erroneously interpreted this as the description of a homonymous taxon. Transferred to Amplypterus by d'Abrera, 1987, Sphingidae Mundi: 52.
Wingspan: 110--115mm. In male, palpi yellow, bordered with brown along the eye to the tips. Forewing dark brown, median area extending straight across the wing basally more obliquely than in Amplypterus panopus (Cramer, 1779). On the costal margin it is 11mm in width, thence it broadens to a width of 16mm on vein R1. Between veins R1 and R2 it narrows sharply to 6mm. Its narrowest point is between veins R2 and R3, where it is only 5mm wide. From this point it broadens to the hinder angle, where it is 14 mm in width. Within this area, between veins M2 and SM2 and extending somewhat beyond vein M2, is a black area which lacks the fine white lines basad of it of A. panopus. Hindwing above light yellow with very dark brown markings much as in Amplypterus panopus. Underside light yellow with dark markings, which roughly duplicate those above (Bell & Scott, 1937).
This insect much resembles Amplypterus panopus, except for the yellow palpi and the yellow colouring of the hindwing above (Bell & Scott, 1937).
China: 12-28.vii (Xishuangbanna, Yunnan).
OVUM: Unrecorded.
LARVA: Unrecorded.
PUPA: Unrecorded.
Larval hostplants. Unrecorded.
China: Yunnan (Menghai, Xishuangbanna; Yingjiang County; Menglongzhen, Xishuangbanna [JiangYou, iNaturalist 2024]).
North-eastern India, Bhutan, Myanmar/Burma, southern China (Yunnan), Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia (Peninsular) and Indonesia (Sumatra, Java).