Marumba formosana Matsumura 1927, J. Coll. Agric. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 19: 2. Type locality: Formosa [Taiwan, Nantou Hsien], Horisha [Puli].
Note. DNA barcode analysis indicates that this taxon is not a separate entity from the population on the Chinese mainland and that the two taxa should be merged (Ian Kitching, pers. comm. 2021). However, Eitschberger & Nguyen (2021) split the Taiwanese population into two full species, namely Marumba formosana and the new Marumba heppneri.
Wingspan: 80--85mm.
Taiwan: iii-v (Kaohsiung Hsien); iv-ix (Hualien Hsien); vii (??Gold Mountain).
Larval hostplants. Meliosma rigida (Sabiaceae) growing as an evergreen understorey shrub in deciduous woodland.
Taiwan: Taipei Hsien (Fushan); Hualien Hsien (Taroko National Park); Nantou Hsien (Puli; Dongpu, 1200m); Kaohsiung Hsien (Shanping, 640m); Taitung Hsien; ??Gold Mountain.
Endemic to Taiwan.